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The Resilient Retail Game Plan

Dec 31, 2020

2020…what a mind-boggling year for retail! With a lot of this year’s news and headlines having focused on depressed sales, supply chain challenges, and the collapse of Goliaths such as Debenhams and the Arcadia Group, you’d be forgiven for thinking that this year has been an end-to-end disaster for creative...

Dec 24, 2020

You may have only just recovered from the Christmas rush but after some well-deserved rest and relaxation, we need to click ‘reset’ on our seasonal sales strategies and ‘snap-back’ to business as normal so that we hit the ground running in January and make sure that our creative products align with the changing...

Dec 17, 2020

The Christmas sales period, and the likely increase you’ve experienced both in traffic and purchases, might have offered you a brief taster of what it might be like to operate your business at a higher capacity - perhaps you’re now wondering how to take things to the next level?

Whether you’ve been in business...

Dec 3, 2020

As a creative product business, the first step to making a sale is driving traffic to your website - but it’s important to recognize that not all traffic is created equal - just like in a physical store, you’ll have people who have arrived at your business with the intention to buy but there’ll also be plenty...

Nov 26, 2020

2020 has been a year like no other for retail. With the pandemic ongoing and the uncertainty surrounding what a post-lockdown December looks like, consumers are in a bit of a holding pattern, and as small business owners, we have to expect the unexpected. We will see a Black Friday boom or will there be more...