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The Resilient Retail Game Plan

Dec 30, 2021

Merry Christmas to all you small businesses owners out there - I hope you had a good season of sales and that you’re having a well-earned rest before we all hit the ground running for 2022.

As this is the last podcast episode of 2021 I thought it would be a good opportunity to take a look at the last year in retail...

Dec 23, 2021

With Christmas Day but a few sleeps away, I hope you and your business have not only survived but thrived this festive season, and hopefully, you can look forward to some well-deserved rest once those last few orders are picked, packed and shipped! 

Never one to rest on my laurels I’m already looking ahead to 2022 to...

Dec 16, 2021

As business owners, and in a world that seems to be evolving at an ever-increasing pace, the convenience, reach and speed that today's marketing tools afford us is very appealing - but the bigger question is: are they effective? As customers, it can often feel like we're being pummeled by a barrage of marketing from...

Dec 9, 2021

With the big day but a few weeks away, we're truly bang-in-the-middle of Christmas crunch-time. You're no doubt juggling orders and shipments as well family commitments and making plans for the festive holidays. But, with so many different elements to manage and demands being made of your time, I'd be willing to bet...

Dec 2, 2021

Between the numerous learning curves, family commitments, marketing schedules, profit margins, post office runs and, well, the list goes on, I think we’d all agree that running your own business can be exhausting. Intense work schedules can lead to fatigue and we’re all likely to experience burn-out and brain...