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The Resilient Retail Game Plan

Mar 14, 2024

Maybe you've been wondering, will my customers buy this? Will they like this new product line I'm developing or purchasing? Or what, quite simply, do my customers want to see from me?


We often get told that we need to talk to our customers to understand them. It's advice I've certainly given out a lot in my lifetime, for sure.  But what do we actually say to them? How do we even figure that out? And how do we get people to share information with us that is genuine? 


How many times have you maybe asked people, do you like this? And they've all said yes. And then nobody bought it. 


If that sounds familiar or if you've ever wondered how best to get information out of customers and satisfy that curiosity, then you want to listen to today's episode. 


I'm joined by Katie Tucker. She is an author and a market research expert  and her book, "Do penguins eat peaches?" Is an absolutely phenomenal practical guide for small business owners when it comes to answering that all-important question, which is what do my customers want?


And another important question, are they prepared to buy it from me?


Let’s find out!


[02:36] Welcome Katie Tucker, business consultant and author of Do Penguins Eat Peaches?

[04:24] How did Katie get involved in customer research?

[05:50] One of the biggest problems that businesses have is knowing how to structure productive conversations with their customers. Here are some tips to make it better.

[08:55] What are some of the best ways to learn what our customers want? Here’s a hint, don’t ask them what they want, discover their behaviors instead.

[11:14] Why you should avoid focus groups and what to do instead.

[15:22]How can you truly validate a new product idea?

[22:29] What do you do when your vision as a business owner doesn't match the needs of the customer?

[28:45] How to connect with Katie

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